Traces of the territory
Date: January 14 to 21, 2025
Time: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Venue: Casa da Imagem gallery
Exhibition by final-year Fine Arts students – FBAUP sculpture at Casa da Imagem | Fisga Project. From January 14 to 21, 2025. E Q U I P A | production: Sara Silva, Selma Calapez, Leonor da Conceição; curatorship: Estefânia Almeida, Estrela Cachulo, Juliana Moreira, Aléxia Delorme; publicity: Ana Carvalhosa, Ana Raquel Silva, Celma Santos Silva; design: Clara Ginoulhiac, Joana Bezerra; recording: Lisa Matyash revision/translation: Ana Sofia Moreira, Inês Rocha; port of honor: Eva Sousa, Marta Coelho; editing: Beatriz Moreira, Ginger Porto, Inês Barata, Sofia Ramos. Curricular Project Unit: Prof. Dr. Filipa Cruz From the proposal: “A R T I S T I C A P R A T I C A: Over the last 3 years, after choosing their field of study, the members of the group have been developing in-depth work on issues that inhabit and occupy
their artistic practice. Using various materials and different working methods, ranging from clay modeling, casting and stone work to photography, video, publication and performance, they have addressed universal and intimate issues, created complicity and sharing with others and consolidated issues that accompany us and reflect our contemporaneity. When we reach the final year of this journey, it’s time to leave, to share, to let the work live outside of us and our home. We hope that here we can find a bridge-passage place, the first of a journey that we want
to be long, useful and important, of sharing and questioning and exchange between agents of the same community.”