RIMED – Network for Innovation and Improvement in Education
Date: 18th October 2023
Time: 18h00 – 19h15

Based on the persistent and committed work of more than twenty years in the field of education, the Manuel Leão Foundation is launching RIMED – the Network for Innovation and Improvement in Education – on 18 October 2023.
This network, made up of institutional partners (schools, school groups, local authorities, training centres, associations and other public and private entities) and individuals (leaders, researchers and education professionals), aims to work along three main lines: to support Educational Innovation and Improvement Projects with school groups, schools, local authorities and other institutions; to create a network of schools committed to educational innovation and improvement; and to organise a permanent system of cross-visits between Portuguese schools and between them and world case studies in school innovation. For more information, please consult the following link: RIMED