#NARCISONLINE: THE PORTRAITS OF CHILDREN ON SOCIAL NETWORKS is a creative, school-based media citizenship education project. The programme offers training activities for schoolchildren between the ages of 3 and 12, as well as educators and teachers. The project is designed to equip teachers and children with the tools for visual and digital literacy through the creation and critical analysis of selfies and portrait photographs. The school community will work on the contexts associated with mobile social networks, digital media, cyberbullying and ethical issues associated with communication on the internet.
#NarcisOnline raises public awareness of the risks of publicising photographs taken by children and teenagers on social networks. It warns of the impact of digital media on the construction and visibility of personal image. It promotes tools for the use and critical production of online content, generating creative solutions for positive participation on social networks.
support Altice Foundation 2018-2019

Guided tour of the museum collection of cameras and optical devices of the Teófilo Rego Photographic Fund, on the production and communication of light images.
Art-based practical workshops to produce and analyse the portrait image and the impact of publishing it online.