ACDC – EDUCATION FOR CLIMATE CHANGE THROUGH ART AND DESIGN is a climate change action project available to all schools. It stems from the need for new integrative, positive and inclusive approaches. ACDC integrates interdisciplinary methodologies that link the sciences with art and design, providing new perspectives on climate change; positive methodologies in the work carried out with and for students who are motivated to be part of the solution: actors of change; inclusive methodologies in the way they propose tackling the obstacles to traditional measures to combat climate change. It has the collaboration of artist Irene Loureiro and film director Melanie Pereira.
ACDC aims to: raise awareness of climate change and sustainability; stimulate imagination and co-create new scenarios for changing behaviour; actively involve students; create future-oriented learning resources. Project coordination: LABA Valencia, Spain; partner: Agrupamento de Escolas de Cristelo, Portugal.


ACDC is a project coordinated by the LABA Valencia School of Higher Education.
Workshops we run on environmental sustainability issues.