PRETO / BRANCO / VERDE: RESIDÊNCIAS BIOIMAGENS is a creative project in the field of photography that is part of artistic practices in the field of media ecology and from the perspective of design criticism. Promoted by Casa da Imagem in collaboration with i2ADS (FBAUP) and Cultureghem, it consists of two phases of artistic residencies (Ecolabs and Dialogues), moments of artistic mediation, exhibitions and an edition.
During the Ecolabs residencies, two prototype ‘ecolabs’ were designed and executed at Casa da Imagem and Cultureghem. In the Dialogues residencies, ecolabs were experimented through authorial creative practices, promoting processes that bring art and the environment closer together and establish dialogues.
Alongside the residencies, the project carried out artistic mediation activities with school audiences, at the EB2/3 Miragaia School in Porto, and with the general public, in Vilar de Amargo, in collaboration with the Terras do Lagarto Local Development Association, and at Casa dos Cubos, in collaboration with the Tomar Centre for Photography Studies. The exhibition ‘Preto|Branco|Verde’ (Black|White|Green) was held at Casa da Imagem, in a joint effort with the Porto’23 Photography Biennial, and presented the processes and results of the different phases of the residencies.

support 2023-2024