Get out of the Closet… is the order given to the image to performatively occupy the museum space. It’s the movement of the public discovering their relationship with the environment and writing their own stories.
Casa da Imagem invites schools to take part in the construction of the Casa das Imagens Museum. Continuing the sense of building a common good that guides the Museum’s work, this project promotes a meeting between the community and the artistic field of image production.
Through a series of activities, it invites the construction of a museological and scenic object, to be exhibited and activated in a place to look at the Museum.
Projecting the future from the past, we propose establishing an inter-temporal relationship between pre-museology, the archaeology of the spectacle and contemporaneity.

Activities to build visualisation devices and projections of wonderful shadows and mirages!
3 workshop activities to build magic lanterns, optical boxes, magic glasses and more.