PHOTOGRAPHY, MODERN ARCHITECTURE AND THE ‘PORTO SCHOOL’: INTERPRETATIONS ON THE TEÓFILO REGO ARCHIVE, was a research project (2013-2015) carried out in partnership with ESAP’s Arnaldo Araújo Study Centre. The starting point for this research was the TEÓFILO REGO PHOTO-COMMERCIAL ARCHIVE, which is one of the most complete portraits of Modern Architecture in Northern Portugal, bringing together photographs of the works of architects such as José Marques da Silva, João Andresen, Januário Godinho, Arnaldo Araújo, Luís Pádua Ramos, José Carlos Loureiro, Alfredo Viana de Lima, Agostinho Ricca Gonçalves and Rogério de Azevedo, among others.
The aim was to analyse the potential of the photographic record as a tool for developing new interpretations of the theory, criticism and history of architecture, from 1940 onwards, when the spread of modern architecture and photographic practice coincided in Portugal. The aim was to analyse the potential of the photographic record as a tool for developing new interpretations of the theory, criticism and history of architecture, from 1940 onwards, when the spread of modern architecture and photographic practice coincided in Portugal.
(FCT: PTDC/ATP-AQI/4805/2012 – COMPETE: FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-028054)