YOU ARE A POSTCARD! ETHNOGRAPHIC, VISUAL AND SOUND RESEARCH is a project for the critical conception of the ethnographic image. Its aim is to produce a set of postcard images and sound postcards, made by the participants and referring to their locality. It is a project that calls for interdisciplinarity, requesting the collaboration of various areas of knowledge. It invites participants to reflect on their locality as a place of cultural practices and a vast territory full of different landscapes that are distinct in their biodiversity, histories and traditions.
You are a Postcard! respects the varied contexts and backgrounds of the participants. The postcard is intended to be a vehicle for making known their view of the complex dynamics of everyday life, through a simultaneously experimental and critical conception of the ethnographic image representing the locality they live in.

Our suggestions for activities to get to know your neighbourhood better.
Workshop activities to get to know your locality and make your own postcards.