The places where we learn

Opening of the exhibition The places where we learn on December 10th, 2020 starting at 15:00.

Presentation of the results and processes of a participatory art proposal, which calls for reflection on the tangible and unreachable spaces that are part of our daily lives and that we recognize as places of learning.

This exhibition is part of a collaborative and continuous work, through artistic processes, between members of APECV – Associação de Professores de Expressão e Comunicação Visual ( Teachers of Visual Expression and Communication Association ) and members of ASSOL – Associação de Solidariedade Social de Lafões ( Social Solidarity Association of Lafões), which supports adult disabled people. Participants in this exhibition are: Ângela Saldanha, António Pereira, Carla Martinho, Carlos Sousa, Célia Ferreira, Deolinda Santos, Diogo Pinhão, Dori Nigro, Francisco Ferreira, João Bonjour, João Carlos, Juliana Ferreira, Mari Lúcia, Matias Pancho, Paulo Alexandre, Raquel Antunes, Raquel Balsa, Rogério Paulo, Teresa Eça and Vera Lúcia..

Open until February 10th 2021. To visit, it is necessary to book an appointment by e-mail: [email protected]

The places where we learn
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