Exhibition ‘From theoretical reflection to procedural photographic practice’
Opening of the exhibition From theoretical reflection to procedural photographic practice on September 25th, 2020 starting at 18h00.
Presentation of the Project with the same name’s results that took place from a collaboration between ESAP and Casa da Imagem. The three main objectives set for this project are now reflected in the exhibition: the historical framework and theoretical reflection on the photographic processes of the 19th century and early 20th century: cyanotype, salted paper, Van Dyke brown, albumin and wet collodion, understood today as alternative photographic processes; the transition to the practice of these processes through an updated and adapted methodology, enabling the creation of clear and operative instructions with pedagogical purposes and, finally, the transition to the production of artistic work whose results are publicly presented.
Exhibition Organisation: Alexandra Trevisan, Inês Azevedo, Felipe Argiles, Joana Mateus and Rui Lourosa.
Individual or collective artistic works:
Cabelo húmido (Wet hair) a piece from the collaborative work “hair project” by Mónica Faria.
Joana Mateus
Manto (Cloak)
Felipe Argiles
Rui Lourosa
Deste lado. Do outro lado. (On this side. On the other side.)
Antónia Nascimento and Magda Pereira