Casa da Imagem, which has been operating since September 2012, is a cultural space for artistic practice and mediation dedicated to research on image. It belongs to the Manuel Leão Foundation, a private non-profit organisation created in 1996. Located in Vila Nova de Gaia, Casa da Imagem is housed in the industrial house where the ‘Rocha Artes Gráficas’ company once operated.


Its mission is the mediation, study, interpretation, conservation and exhibition of the Teófilo Rego Photographic Fund, the ‘Rocha Artes Gráficas’ house-industry and artistic creation and education, with a view to contributing to a fairer, more participatory and freer society for the people and social groups with which it interacts.


The Casa da Imagem team is currently made up of two coordinators and relies on the occasional collaboration of a group of artists and professionals from the cultural sector to carry out its actions and research.

Inês Azevedo Artista e mediadora, trabalha no cruzamento entre os campos da arte, da educação e da mediação, com especial enfoque nas questões da participação democrática. Licenciada em Artes Plásticas, MA em Práticas Artísticas Contemporâneas e em Ensino de Artes Visuais. Frequenta o Doutoramento em Museologia, onde investiga sobre museus e justiça social, com enfoque na articulação entre as narrativas museológicas, a criação e a mediação artística. É investigadora do CEAA-ESAP. [email protected]

Joana Mateus Artista e mediadora, trabalha no campo de cruzamento das artes e do multimédia. Licenciatura em Artes Plásticas, MA Arte Multimédia e em Ensino de Artes Visuais. Investigadora CEAA-ESAP. Foi professora de Artes Visuais e Fotografia desde o ensino básico ao ensino secundário e artístico. Tem concebido diversos projetos de mediação artística com públicos diversificados – escolas e outras instituições – e projetos europeus orientados para a literacia visual e digital, direitos humanos e cidadania. [email protected]


Atelier Guilhotina was born in 2013, developing research and artistic production in the field of graphic arts. Having promoted workshops, exhibitions and artistic residencies, in 2016 it decided to travel to Vila Nova de Gaia to make Casa da Imagem its home. Founder Ana Torrie is at Guilhotina, dictating the tempo of the provocations.

Blog: Guilhotina
Conception and coordination: Ana Torrie

Developing and working on concepts relating to human rights, citizenship and participation, in order to achieve a culture of rights and citizenship, with a special focus on children and young people. The aim is to make language, mastery and experience of citizenship and rights part of growing up, and therefore a familiar reality with solid roots. This will bear fruit in the social, educational and civic spheres and in a culture of tolerance and community participation in today’s and tomorrow’s society. Creation of social support projects and initiatives with an emphasis on rights, digital literacy and visual literacy.

Conception and coordination: Alexandra Severino

The RIG residency promotes the research and dissemination of work carried out in the printing industry, namely Rocha Artes Gráficas, a family business dedicated to graphic printing that operated between 1895 and 2011, in the building where Casa da Imagem is located today; a company involved in the history of its time, its workers and clients, it has recognized historical, cultural and social relevance in the municipality of Vila Nova de Gaia.

Collaboration: Ana Rocha

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