Seminar: ‘Artistic methodologies between museums and schools: the international PressHere project’
Date: 17th April 2023
Time: 14h00
Venue: School of Education – IPP (Porto)
The European project ‘PressHere: a living archive on industry in Europe’ aims to improve students‘ and teachers’ key competences in ICT technologies and promote increased knowledge of the cultural and labour heritage of European industry. To this end, it creates a set of artistic, practical and creative methodologies to generate action and promote critical awareness of the industrial context, particularly on the issues of rights and gender equality. In this session to present the PressHere project, we will share participatory processes between museums and schools, using artistic methodologies as a point of action and reflection. Programme
14h00 – Joana Mendonça: Welcome
14h15 – Inês Azevedo: ‘Artistic methodologies between museums and schools: the international PressHere project’
15h00 – Joana Mateus: Artistic mediation workshop ‘What the images tell us’