Casa da Imagem
Which workshop do you want to do? PHOTOGRAPH AND PRINT - Caffenol C frames"PHOTOGRAPH AND PRINT - Pinhole photographyPHOTOGRAPH AND PRINT - Photographers for a dayPHOTOGRAPH AND PRINT - Photography on objectsPHOTOGRAPH AND PRINT - From the darkroom to the reflex cameraPHOTOGRAPH AND PRINT - CyanotypeANIMA - Stop MotionANIMA - ZootroposANIMA - KaleidoscopesILUSTRA - Performance WorkshopILUSTRA - Letter from animals to collectorsILUSTRA - Habitat workshopILUSTRA - KaleidocyclesILUSTRA - Express Poster WorkshopILUSTRA - Workshop of ideas and inventionsILUSTRA - We must speak out! Symbols for democracyDIORAMAS - Images on stageDIORAMAS - The photographer's craftMOULD AND SHAPE - Monsters in the swampMOULD AND SHAPE - Mould workshop
Institution or educational establishment to which you belong
Contact person (obrigatório)
Email (obrigatório)
No. of participants
Participants' age range