(EN)ABLE is a course designed to encourage the involvement of young people with disabilities in youth work contexts, projects and initiatives. If participation in initiatives is a challenge for young people in precarious conditions, this challenge increases if they have some kind of physical or mental disability. In addition to physical barriers, the lack of knowledge and the barriers caused by the inability to act on obstacles add to the difficulty of integration. (en)Able aimed to equip the youth workers taking part in this course, as well as all those who accompany them via the information posted online, with tools that will enable them to gain greater knowledge about working with young people with disabilities. It promoted knowledge about legal literacy associated with the rights of people with disabilities and models of active participation that equip NGOs with mechanisms to become more inclusive in the face of disability.
Partner organisations: All Community for Developmental Coaching, Jordan, Asociatia Psihologilor Profesionisti din Romania, Romania, Association des Jeunes pour l’Environnement et la Culture ( A.J.E.C), Algeria, Association tunisienne de la jeunesse et de l’avenir, Tunisia, Casa da Imagem – Manuel Leão Foundation, Portugal, DONUM ANIMUS, Latvia, Youth Pioneers, United Kingdom, MI HI For Training And Development, Egypt, Prisms Malta, Malta. An ERASMUS+ funded project